Otis and Bristol~~~

Hi! I’ve received a couple more updates on some of the puppies from this last litter–Otis and Bristol, aka…..Badger and Muffin if I remember correctly! Keeping 20 puppies and their whereabouts, new names, families, and general info is not easy! But—I do remember these two so well. Otis was just the sweetest and most acquiescing little guy, and from what I hear, is still all that. As of the end of September, he weighed 78 lbs, is very energetic, and is the hearty protector of a one year old in his family. I believe you’ll agree with me when I say he’s definitely Goldie’s boy! Just look at that gorgeous, curly coat with its brilliant colors–Otis1

Yep. That’s Goldie all right. Same smile!


Bristol looks like such a darling, and from what I hear, she is as smart as a whip. While she definitely has a good bit of Goldie in her, I can see a lot of Bomber in her markings. Her family says she’s a complete angel and her vet fully expects her to be around 200 lbs when she’s full grown. Right now, she’s weighing in at 72 lbs. We sure do miss our Muffy girl….I remember how interactive and quick she was!

I mean just look at that. Just look.



And a more recent photo will conclude the update on Bristol.


This fall has been beautiful here in Montana, and as my favorite season, I’ve been enjoying daily walks and can’t resist sharing a few photos I took this evening. Not that they do the gorgeous autumn scenery any justice tho!

Yep….my panoramic photo-taking capabilities leave a lot to be desired. You may laugh. But it was fun.



It seems the deer have accepted my daily presence…in fact, three bucks ran right in front of me on the road tonight–of which I got a few photos, but they’re too fuzzy to post. Not worth it.


I dread the photo shoots with Bomber….I’m afraid neither of us take a very good picture and this evening was especially difficult….we started out at the swing but as you can see he refused to cooperate–as usual. Basically, I can’t take a single picture of him unless I’m with him, generally on the ground, holding him. He’s just gets too excited and won’t sit still for the camera. Nope.


So we ended up on the ground anyway….Bomber’s such a goof—but with plenty of good intentions!


I’m still working on my waiting list for puppy-takers come next spring. So far I think I have 8-9. I have a hunch that she’ll have around 12-13 this time…which is a scary thought, but hey, one can never have too many puppies, can they? Let me know if you’re interested in providing one with a home and we can discuss it. Or, if you just want to shoot me an email or comment, I’d love to hear from you! Thanks so much for stopping by~~~Tess

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:4-5