
Hi All! Thanks for checking in. So sorry for the delay–it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted, but for a good reason. Life has been a little busier than normal, due to the arrival of the puppies! They will be three weeks old tomorrow, and are doing great! The puppies have been developing their sight and hearing, and their personalities are really starting to come out. It has been so much fun to watch them lately,  especially since they’ve discovered play fighting!

Goldie is also doing really well. She delivered on day 63 I think, which is nearly a week early for her! Because of the fact that I wasn’t expecting puppies to come so early, I was away from home when she began having them. It wasn’t until two puppies had been born that I finally made it back. However, she did super well on her own—she dragged her blanket outside her shed, dug a hole in the gravel (not where I would have preferred her to have given birth), and basically made a little nest for herself. The weather that day was in the 80’s and was absolutely gorgeous. She ended up having seven males and two females, all with great markings. I currently have three puppies available for purchase–both of the females and one male. The females are absolutely darling and have stolen our hearts, and the male is beautiful as well. Originally, all the puppies were spoken for, but because of changes in lifestyles and for other various reasons, three buyers decided to decline or to postpone their choosing a puppy until a future litter. So, if you’re interested in one of these puppies, let me know  and we can discuss it! Enjoy the pictures! Tess

Psalm 107:1 “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.”

Day 1. If you’ve noticed Goldie looks a little different, aka shaggier and a little patchy, it’s because the day before she delivered we shaved her down, due to the heat and because it’s a pre-delivery routine for her.





Two weeks old?


Nearly three weeks old.


As usual, Bomber is wary of the puppies, but very interested. He never comes in to see them, but always waits for me outside, patiently and curiously listening to their puppy noises. Sometimes I take a puppy out for him to meet, as is shown here.





Thanks again for stopping by! I’ll try to be more regular in posting updates from here on out. Tess


2 thoughts on “Puppies!

  1. Hi Tess, thanks so much for the pictures. I still can’t believe how much Koby looks like his Momma. I have a couple more of Koby that I was going to send you and will try to do it tmorrow.. God blessyour sweet heart. Jan


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