Each and Every One

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but with those puppies, I have been pleasantly busy! Here’s a picture of every pup, in birth order, with a small description of each. Their personalities are growing as fast as they are! I can already tell who’s going to be mellow and who’s going to be trouble. They’ve been gaining weight steadily, about a quarter of a  pound every day. Today they began opening their eyes, just at the corners, though. For a while, their sight and hearing will be cloudy, but with time they will grow more distinct and clear. Pardon the quirky names! Enjoy.
This is Diesel 10, or Bomber Jr, as my mom calls him. He is THE BIGGEST, weighing in at 3 pounds today. Very sleepy and mellow, not to say beautiful, he’s most likely the pick of the litter.


Next is Bubbles (don’t ask me where this name came from), or Bubba, as I now call him, since he’s rapidly gaining weight. He’s 2.75 pounds, has a very pretty, dark coat, and is quite a sweety. I love how his coat is so swirly and dark.


Here’s Toola Roola. Another odd name, I know. I actually call her Suzy Q more often, though, because she has an S shape on her back. She’s a little over 2. 75 pounds. I think she and her sister are Goldie’s favorites. I love to watch Goldie with her girls…she likes to hold them in her paws,  really giving them a lot of attention.


Next comes Bibbity. He has two other brothers, Bobbety and Boo. If these names don’t ring a bell, you’ve never seen Cinderella. He’s a little squirrely, with  lots of energy and smaller in size, weighing in at 2.5 pounds. Very cute.


Bobbety’s number six. He’s the pup with the least white. Tonight he weighed 2. 75 pounds, finally gaining weight after a little relapse last week. He prefers to stick to Mama Goldie, or sleeping with his litter mates.


Chuzzles, (another crazy name) has little Z’s on his back, which add some weight to his name. Another gorgeous pup, he weighs 2.75 pounds. He’s very sweet and acquiescing, allowing me to weigh him all I want. He also has a little Cape Horn on his back.



Boo! Yep, he’s the last of the three Cinderella namesake’s. He’s my personal favorite out of all the boys, even though he’s the one that keeps me up most at three in the morning. Boo thinks that when everyone else is happily asleep, all peacefully nestled together, it’s time to sing opera. Or get lost behind mom’s back. ANYTHING but to go to sleep like everyone else. Today he’s started these adorable little barks, and as I was watching him sleep, he made these little growls and arfs that about put me over the edge. He has the most beautiful markings (in my opinion, at least) and is darker than everyone else but Bubbles. A little bit smaller than the others, though, weighing 2. 65 pounds at the most.


And last but not least, though the smallest, is Pookah! Ever watched Harvey? Then you’ll know where this name came from. Pookah’s my girl, weighing in at barely 2.25 pounds. She’s lightly colored, and has a little whale tail on her shoulders. She is sooo sweet and sleepy, loves to be held, and always scooches over to me when I’m in the whelping box. I hope my darling goes to a home as loving as she is.


A couple more pics….IMG_1098

Mama with the brood.IMG_1099

As you can see, they’ve doubled in size since I’ve last posted. More photos to come!

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