Puppies Soon to Come!

Hi! It looks as if the very end of Goldie’s pregnancy has arrived. Each day she becomes more and more distressed and anxious, with increased discomfort and varying temperatures. Hopefully before the week is out we will announce the birth of the litter. As I mentioned before, it looks as if this litter will be larger than her previous one, based on her bigger size alone—I’m thinking at least 10, if not 12 puppies, which is a perfectly normal-sized litter for St. Bernards. Thankfully, I have already found good homes for the puppies, so now we must simply play the waiting game! We’ve finished the whelping box, and Goldie has been spending her days sleeping and resting in front of a box fan.

This photo was taken at least a week ago, if not two:

Poor Goldie 3

Now, days later, you can clearly see how much larger she’s grown. Also, she has shed most of her fur on her tummy for easier nursing when the puppies arrive.

Poor Goldie 2

This has been pretty much her expression these last few days! Poor girl….

Poor Goldie 1

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to comment or contact me. Tess

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.

One thought on “Puppies Soon to Come!

  1. That is great I can’t wait to see pictures of the puppies. I hope the puppies and the mom do well during labor and delivery.


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