Photos of the Expecting Couple

It’s been a while since I added some photos to the site. Here are some I took the other night. I learned that it’s much easier to take pictures holding the dog than trying to take one in front of them, because for some reason they think that my camera/phone is food….

Goldie has been rather mopey lately. I can only attribute it to her condition, since she’s been getting plenty of attention, fresh air, and a pretty diverse diet lately. Bomber, on the other hand, is just as perky as ever, and still thinks there’s no reason why he shouldn’t wrestle Goldie like he used to! Sorry there are so many photos. Don’t hesitate to comment or write me an email if you have any questions or comments! Tess


Goldie on her new clean quilt…


I am definitely starting to see a change in her size….with every week her tummy gets closer to the ground!


Had to wrestle this girl onto my lap to get her to sit still for the photo.


Couldn’t resist sharing this beautiful Montana sunset…


I wanted to add this picture not to showcase our messy barn, but to point out the difference between Bomber and Goldie’s coats. For those of you purchasing puppies, you’ll be able to choose between Goldie’s wavy, curly fur, and Bomber’s thick, smooth coat. In our previous litter, there was a definitely a variety of colors/textures among the puppies’ coats.


Goldie still insists on perching on a hay bale when she’s out playing in the barn.


Bomber showing off his magnificent form.


Thanks for stopping by!!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28


Hi All, thanks for stopping by! Just a quick update on things—

We are currently expecting puppies! The litter is due to arrive any time around the middle to the end of April, so Goldie is approximately half-way there. She’s still as spunky as ever–in fact, I had to scold her twice tonight for being overly rambunctious!

There are already a good number of takers for the puppies, but if you’re interested in one, please do not hesitate to drop me a line. I’m beginning to get back into the act of posting regular updates, and will be keeping in touch especially directly before/after the puppies arrive. Thanks for stopping by!  Tess Michel

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Second Update

Hi! I decided to post on two other pups we had last year—Charlie and Dudley. Charlie went to a home in Bozeman, where he lives with his parent and his big sister Millie. His mommy says he is a total love bug and a pretty big boy…..these photos were from November, so I’m sure he’s really huge now. I think we all miss our Chuzzle boy, but I’m glad he has found a wonderful home and great family!






And then we have Dudley, who now lives in Glasgow (I think). He also went to a forever home, the kind I pray for all my puppies to go to. Dudley has turned into quite a big boy, as you can you see, and is a beauty to boot! In October, he weighed in at 102 pounds, and maybe even still has some growing to do. I hear also that he has had some encounters with the infamous porcupine a few times! His brother, Tank, lives only a few miles away, so I’m  happy the boys are able to see each other often.






And the final news is that we ARE indeed planning on having another litter as soon as possible. I’m thinking Goldie will be pregnant in a couple weeks, if everything goes as planned. That means there will hopefully be a sparkly brand new litter in the middle of April. We shall see what the future holds!  Thanks for stopping by, and don’t hesitate to contact me with questions about the dogs or about the upcoming litter. Tess

Updates of the Puppies

Hi! I know it’s been so long since I’ve posted…almost four months. Things have been busy here, but I’m happy to share with you some updated photos of the litter we’ve had in March. I’ve finally contacted a few of the puppies’ owners and asked for some photos of their babies. I’ve loved how the puppies have turned out, and can’t believe the variety!
I’m planning on breeding again once Goldie is ready…this should probably be around January or February, which means we will have puppies near April. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re interested in a pup around then. Lately I’ve been corresponding with a few people thinking about purchasing a puppy in the near future, and I’ve really enjoyed being able to discuss the dogs with them.

The first here is Chewie. Chewie went to a good home in Billings. He was one of the first to be sold, and as you can see is definitely an eye-catcher. He has a coat unlike any of the other puppies–it’s just beautiful, big dark splotches outlined with black. I hear he’s a quiet sweety, too, and very obedient. These pictures were taken in July, when he was 75 pounds,  so I’m sure he’s much bigger now. Isn’t he adorable??


chewie 2

chewie 4

Next, we have Nonni. Nonnie went to a family in Missoula. She was nearly our biggest pup, the alpha of the litter. So smart! She has turned out to be ( in her owner’s words) Goldie’s “mini me!”  I hear she keeps her family on their toes, but they love her. I still can’t get over how much she looks/acts like Goldie. This is the photo of her right after she graduated from obedience class. I bet she graduated with honors!



Last, but not least, we have Koby. Koby was our last puppy to sell, as well as being the smallest in the litter. He moved to Bozeman. But like Nonni, he is all brains. He seems to be a mix of both Goldie and Bomber, with Bomber’s face and coloring, but with Goldie’s intelligence. I hear he is doing well, is a very sweet boy, and just loves his new mommy. Isn’t he a handsome boy? I love his face. koby



Lastly, here’s a few photos of Bomber and Goldie. Thanks for stopping by!



Summer in Montana with St Bernards

As you can see, the weather right now in Montana has been beautiful, and all of us have been enjoying it. I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted…mostly because of an abundance of busyness, but also because of my lack of puppies. 😦

However, believe it or not, we still have one left! Bibbity, one of our smaller pups, still lives with us, and has just turned 17 weeks old. I’ve been pleased with the way his personality has turned out. He is a very happy-go-lucky little boy, continually wearing Goldie’s trademark smile. I think Bibbity’s living here has been good for both his parents— it’s saved Goldie the post-puppy depression, and has given Bomber a constant companion.

My only concern is that Bibbity is getting too attached to home, and that Goldie will go into depression after he is gone, but I’m sure as with all things it will turn out well in the end. Enjoy the updated pics and please leave any comments below! I love to hear from anyone stopping by.













Down to the LAST of the litter!!

We currently have one pup left–Bibbity. He’s one of our smallest  pups. And he is SOOOO fast and  smart! It’s almost uncanny how he knows just when to jump away from you and to come back dancing just out of reach. So cute and cuddly, loves to be held and snuggled. I think he’s definitely going to be like his mommy. He has her brain and size, and as I like to say, her smile.

It’s definitely sad having nearly all our babies gone. So far, mommy is still a happy girl, but I foresee some depression in the near future after she says goodbye to her last baby. She still loves to spend hours baby-sitting  him in the yard, playing tug of war or chase.  We certainly are going to be sad to see our little boy go to a new home when the time comes.

These pictures were taken about a week ago, back when we still had our big girl Toola. She went to a loving family in Missoula. Bomber loves HIS green gorilla, and unfortunately  is not necessarily interested in sharing it with Goldie. Or anyone else. He never really played with toys as a puppy, so when he gets anything soft and fuzzy now he heartily enjoys ripping it to shreds—which he would have quickly done had not Goldie and I intervened. Enjoy the pics!

























The Last Available Pups

Here are the remaining pups. We still have all of them at the house, but six are spoken for. We are happy to have found them good homes in Billings, Helena, and Bozeman. This week we will be delivering and giving the puppies to their new families.
I can’t believe how fast it all went, and how much they’ve grown. It seems like a couple weeks ago they had just been born, and a few days ago that I moved them into the barn. I hope the puppy withdrawal won’t be too hard! Originally, I had assumed that giving them away would be easy, that I would be happy to be finding them good homes, but part of me wishes that I could always keep them! As I wrote in the last post, they really haven’t been any trouble at all—work, yes, but trouble? Not at all! They are so good, and so manageable, they have been a pleasure.

Here’s Tank, the biggest of last.




Here’s our Diesel Boy.







Next is Bibbity, still the whipper-snapper he’s always been.








IMG_2413 (1)


And last but DEFINITELY not least, is Toola!












Easter with St. Bernards

As you can see, the puppies really enjoyed Easter today! And we enjoyed watching them play in the grass with the empty eggs. I’m trying to let them play outside in our yard as much as possible, not only to allow them to burn off some energy, but I think the sunshine will be beneficial as well. Plus, I think they are getting tired of the barn.
It’s only a another week till some of them begin to leave the nest. 😦 Part of me is happy that I’ve found good homes for them, but the other half argues that I’m not ready to give them up. They haven’t even been enough trouble to me yet! Really, though, they have been perfect little angels, compared to other puppies we’ve had that constantly wreaked havoc. Enjoy the pictures! We sure did.



























Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

An Update on the Pups.

Here’s some new pics of the puppies. They are doing great! They will be 7 weeks old this Saturday, and currently weigh around 15 pounds, some more, some less.

We are very happy to be finding them good homes in the Billings area. We are sure that they will be going to loving families!

Here’s Chuzzles. Chuzzles has been really playful lately. When I went out to feed the pups tonight, he did these cute little pounces around me, he was so excited.



Bobbity was chosen today by a family who lives in northeastern Montana. We are sure they’ll be very happy with our snuggly boy!


Bubbles is really going to be a dark Saint. He has been really sweet and laid back.



At first I thought Tank would be a poky puppy, but he has turned out to be really frisky and perky. A nice change, since the larger males tend to be more laid back and slow.



Bibbity has ALWAYS been a whippersnapper, and still is. He is constantly romping and jumping around in the hay, teasing and egging his litter mates on.




My Baby Pookah is still as sweet and gentle as ever. She is such a patient and  steady little girl, very much unlike her sister. In fact, they are complete opposites.



Next is ToolaRoola, or Dolly. She remains the alpha of the litter, directing her litter mates as well as her mother. She is always in the front, first and foremost, letting her opinion of everything be heard. Very active and friendly, she would make a great family pet. She does have very sweet moments, one of which we shared before she ate tonight.




Boo is still my favorite. He’s going to be a fluffy, chunky boy. Still very snuggly and cuddly.



Last but not least is Diesel. He has gotten to be very active and doesn’t hesitate to let his voice be heard. His coat is the lightest in color of them all. IMG_2207

6 Week Old Puppies===Busyness!

Here they are, our little rascals. They now live in the barn, and enjoy every minute of rummaging and rooting through the hay.  Today I decided that they needed some sunlight and exercise so my sister and I moved the whelping box out into the yard where they enjoyed some time in the wind and sun. They now weigh 9-10 pounds, and can run around and play, but are still somewhat slow and clumsy on their little legs. Even though they are getting heavier, we still love to hold them like babies–and so do they! They are like little rag dolls, all floppy and soft. Anyway, enjoy the inundation of pictures of the pups out in the grass. Feel free to leave comments below!























