Day 62

Today’s day 62 for Goldie. She’s much more peaceful today, in comparison to her anxiety Sunday morning. She’s been mostly sleeping today, probably pretty tired after staying up most of Sunday and the night before. I have noticed a few changes, though. I started taking her temperature last night, and it has been dropping bit by bit, beginning with 99.6, then 99.3, then 99.1, and then 99.3 again for this afternoon. Everything I’ve read says that as soon as the dog’s temperature drops below 100 degrees, the dog will begin labor in the next 24 hours. However, despite her readings, she doesn’t seem to be any different from the past few days. I think we still have 2-3 days left.
The puppies definitely look anxious to come out though! I have heard noises I didn’t think in existence coming from her tummy, and have seen ( and felt!) many puppies squirming and pushing. Goldie’s biding her time, though, keeping us all in suspense! I’ll update tomorrow on Goldie’s countdown.

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