Day 63

As I write, Goldie’s walking in circles in my room, looking for the most comfortable spot on the carpet. She’s still breathing quickly, but hasn’t started panting yet. Yesterday evening I was beginning to think she might be going into labor, at least starting Stage 1, but, like the other previous nights, she calmed down as soon as we started going to bed. Her eyes are still bloodshot, which, as I found out by researching, is because of stress. Right now, like every other time she lies down, she’s making this low groaning, somewhat like a snore, but more prolonged.
Her temperature was two degrees up this morning from last night, but dropped a little this afternoon. I had a pretty easy time taking her temperatures till last night, and it’s quite a hassle doing it now, so I have been slacking off. I figure that, as all her temperatures so far have been “labor” temperatures, I’ll just let her tell me when she is going start having her pups! I’ll let you know tomorrow what her update is. Thanks for reading.

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